Sessions Available In-person & Online
In these bespoke sessions, Premajyoti draws on years of experience as both a counseling therapist and intuitive mentor. Sessions typically involve one or more of the following according to your preferences:
Listening in a way that holds space for your concerns, experiences, hopes, dreams and goals to be aired and honored
Discussion with key questions to assist you to access your own inner wisdom and intuition
Exercises such as sacred geometry work to stimulate your creativity and harmonise your thought processes
Energy healing and/or chakra rebalancing
Bespoke Deep Relaxation sessions
Dream Analysis
Breathwork and Meditation followed by discussion
Prescription of Mantra (sacred sound therapy)
Goal setting, and auditing of priorities to set you firmly on the path for success in achieving your hopes and dreams
Skill teaching and exercises to assist you to manage difficult life situations
Designing of simple, fun and achievable home yoga, breathwork & meditation programs
Session Timing & Pricing.
Either 1 hour or 90 minutes duration
$54.00 1 hour session
$64.00 90m session
Sessions include all takeaway notes, recordings & followup resources.
Everything discussed and shared in each session is held in the strictest confidence.